Photo of Pink Peony Blooms taken as a Fla-Lay Photograph at the Welshot Imaging Photographic Academy

I can’t… It’s too… I haven’t…

Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do

John wooden
American Basketball Player and head coach at UCla

This is for me! I am writing this blog as a reminder to myself of what can be achieved when I don’t make excuses and tell myself why something cannot be done – When I ditch the words – I can’t… It’s too… and I haven’t… – In favour for the, I will just do what I can with what I have and give it my best shot.

When it comes to the Welshot Photographic Academy I am a natural born action taker, a high achiever, a just do sort of person. I am certainly a person to make a quick decision when it comes to ideas or new ways of working. The possibilities are always seemingly endless. I am one of those people who will definitely be found drinking from the glass while the pessimist and optimist fight over it!

Not so much when it comes to taking action on my own personal photographic projects – the excuses were always the same – the reasons were all the same – and the outcomes were…

Well, always the same…

Or, they were!

Corona, Covid 19, Lockdown, Self-Isolation and Shielding – They change everything- Suddenly my whole working life was turned on its head – Suddenly there were no excuses. Well, not ones relating to the lack of time, or I was too busy prepping for Welshot events at any rate.

I tried to find new excuses/obstacles but it didn’t work – The pull and power of wanting to do something creative was too strong. Inspiration from a group of Female Olympus users I’m having fortnightly Zoom Coffee Sessions with and not wanting to be left behind (out) even if I did specialise in completely different genres of photography to them, was, again, a powerful motivation. Finally, the realisation that taking and making time to create photos just for me was helping me with the anxiety and overwhelming sadness that would wash over me constantly – You can read more about that in – Me, My Bubble & My Photography.

In a 6ft by 6ft space that is normally reserved for our, just fits, dining table and four chairs – this cosy, tiny, not much room to swing a cat, space was just one of my obstacles – My (lack of) backgrounds/backdrops, lights, props, camera and lens options were just another.

I set about doing what I could, when I could, (read, working around the Boss and the Hubster) with what I had to hand, make do and mend has become my Corona and Covid 19 motto – Furniture would be shuffled, shunted and shoved outside or into the living area – Props were sourced from every direction – I proudly surprised myself at what could be done when I really wanted to take some photographs to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of V.E Day celebrations.

I was amazed at how many items I had lying around with the Union Jack on…

My Nod to the 75th Anniversary of V.E Day 2020

While watching an Olympus UK Facebook LIVE (who, have provided an amazing Lockdown service making sure all their camera users are kept busy in these unprecedented times) with Gavin Hoey giving a demonstration on Food Photography Lighting – I noticed a really neat table that I thought would be perfect – And indeed it is, at just 3ft long which folds in half with the legs tucked away securely it can be carried like a suitcase, lies flat and takes up no room whatsoever. The fact that it is portable and can be used for all sorts of Welshot events is a bonus.

The fact that my backgrounds fit exactly onto the unfolded surface really appealed to my love of uniformity and neatness. The BossTog loved it because it was the right price!

If I am going to be disrupting the whole household, furniture and family, You can bet your bottom dollar I am going to be making the most of it. I will make sure I do at least three or four sets, if not more, using different props and backgrounds and I will always make sure I take the photos at different angles, different apertures and use a variety of different lighting. This then means I have a diversity of images to use for my Instagram, Facebook or other Social Media platforms.

Home Grown Peonies with Coffee & Books

It also means I can experiment with my post processing and editing as well. this is something of a revelation to me – I have not, until Lockdown, enjoyed the editing side of photography but I have discovered that it is almost akin to colouring in for photographers and is one of the most mindfulness activities I now have in my arsenal of Lockdown, Self-Isolation and Shielding weapons while we get through Corona and Covid 19 and the year 2020 we will all never forget.

I will leave you with the following passage penned by Craig Impelman for Success Magazine – To me, it sums up everything I am trying to say – You just need to make an effort, try your best and use what skills and resources you have available to you at the time.

When Coach John Wooden coined his definition of success in 1934 (“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable”), his philosophy was clear – He had defined the goal for which he wanted his students to thrive

Craig Impelman for Success Magazine

Muchly Love

lee xx

Health and Well-Being, Inspiration, Making Time, Making Time For Me, Mental Health, Motivation, No Excuses, Photography

Comments (2)

  • This is really inspirational, Lee. Your photographs are beautiful. One day, I think these blogs should be a book – an “Oh yes you can….” motivational book.

    • Thank You SO much Sue. It would be lovely if I could help someone do something they’ve always wanted to do. Thank you for your lovely comment, it is very much appreciated.

      Love Lee xx

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