And Into Week Eleven We Go…
A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.
Mandy Hale
As I go into week eleven of lockdown/self-isolation/shielding I am reflecting on a multitude of thoughts, ideas and feelings – I don’t know about you, but I for one have learnt such a lot about myself, learnt (or rather, remembered) that there are more good people than bad, and learnt the value of respect, tolerance and perception.
As I go into week eleven I’ve learnt to let go of the hurtful, full of hatred perceptions and judgements thrown at me since the beginning of March from the most unlikely of sources – most likely, struggling to cope with their own demons, worries and stresses – and to remember the value of those around me, of who I see (virtually) on a daily basis, doing what they can to help keep people like me safe and well.
As I go into week eleven, I’ve learnt not to judge – for everyone has a story, a perception, a reason for why they make the decisions they do. I’ve learnt to keep hold tight of my “Live & Let Live” attitude, as long as they are not hurting anyone, keeping to the rules of the land, I am choosing to respect rather than judge.
For every Mother (and Father) out there who doesn’t want to send their child back to school there is another who has no choice.
For every person who is choosing to self-isolate/shield there is another who is working tirelessly to help those who are doing all they can to protect themselves or those around them.
For every person who is working from home in full capacity, there are those who can only do the bare minimum – just by the very nature of their job means they are unable to carry on as normal.
For every single, child free person who can spend time baking, sewing, reading and learning the most complicated yoga moves ever, there is a stressed to hell parent who is trying to home school, while struggling with the weekly essential shop (often helping out others) all the while trying to keep everyone in the family happy, healthy and safe.
For every business partner who is steadfast in routine and schedule there is another who grapples with the lack of deadlines and sense of urgency
For every essential worker who has no choice, but to carry on as normal, often risking their health and safety to do so there is another who wishes like hell they could contribute in ways other than the clapping of hands.
For every person who doesn’t have to worry or wrestle with the daily finances there is another who is having to face the food-banks, sleeping rough or can’t get the help they so desperately need.
For every “Loved-Up” couple who are relishing in the renovations and couple-alone BBQ’s there is someone who is facing mental and physical abuse who is looking for a way out because they are scared for their lives and that of their children.
We might all be in the same storm but we are far from being in the same boat!
I’ve learnt to let go of the vitriol, hatred and unkind words, written to me in an email – going into such old, historic details of the whys they no longer wish to be part of my life – I shake my head in disbelief that have we not learnt anything? Have we not just learnt to say, thank you, but no thank you, rather than bring up old ground that could have easily been discussed IRL before lockdown happened.
To what purpose does it serve to pour scorn on someone who is, just, trying to get by, to survive, with mental health intact, to what purpose does it serve to make horrid comments on social, to make judgements without knowing the facts, to condemn someone for just doing the absolute best that they can do, with what they have – decisions and options are personal and not as simple or as defined as black and white.
In a world where you can be anything: Be Kind
Caroline Flack
Keep safe & keep healthy
Muchly love
lee x
Covid19, Keep Creating, Keeping Busy, Lockdown, Lockdown In 2020, Mental Health Awarness, Self-Awarness, Self-Care, Self-Isolation, Self-Shielding, World-Wide Pandemic